
Published on November 28, 2007

Use this neck warm-up sequence by itself or in combination with our other Warm-up sequences to energize and warm up the body’s muscles and joints prior to any of the pose sequences.
∗ MP3 Audio Downloads available for this Sequence

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Use gentle fluid movements synchronized with slow deep breathing. For a deeper effect, hold each stretch for 1-2 breaths. This sequence is contraindicated with recent or chronic injury to the arms, neck or back.

1. Start in any seated position.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

2. Exhale and lower the chin to the chest.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, feeling a stretch in the back of the neck.

3. Inhale the neck back to center.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

4. Exhale and carefully drop the head back.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and away from the ears, lift the chin, relax the mouth, and feel a stretch in the front of the neck.

5. Inhale the neck back to center.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

6. Exhale and lower the left ear to the left shoulder.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, especially the right shoulder, feeling a stretch in the side of the neck.

7. Inhale the neck back to center.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

8. Exhale and lower the right ear to the right shoulder.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, especially the left shoulder, feeling a stretch in the side of the neck.

9. Inhale the neck back to center.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

10. Exhale and reach the chin to the left shoulder.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders facing forward and only twist the neck. Look as far behind you as comfortable.

11. Inhale the neck back to center.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

12. Exhale and reach the chin to the right shoulder.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders facing forward and only twist the neck. Look as far behind you as comfortable.

13. Inhale the neck back to center.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

14. Either repeat this warm up sequence, continue with another warm up sequence, or begin a posture sequence

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6 responses to “Neck”

  1. deepthinani Avatar

    9th step picture is incorrect

  2. deepthinani Avatar

    sry its 8th pic

  3. Timothy Avatar

    Fixed! Thank you.

  4. mmoody Avatar

    Hi, I would very much like to download the MP3 audio downloads which it says above are available for this and all the other sequences. I became a premium member expressly for this purpose. But when I go to the old premium membership site (under Premium Members on this page) I can’t find the MP3s. Please advise asap where I must find them, since I live on a boat and therefore have limited internet access (the reason for wanting to download all the good stuff while I still have access!)

  5. Timothy Avatar

    mmoody: all you need to do is login as a premium membership and the files to download will appear as links at the beginning of this sequence. You do not need to go to the old membership site anymore to download the mp3 files.

  6. Sury Nama Avatar
    Sury Nama

    There is a lot of contraversy on carefully dropping the head back #4. Any body have any pros or cons. For now due to injury- not related to this- I have to stay R ear to L ear and chin tucked in. Thank you and I appreciate these.

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Timothy Burgin Avatar
About the author
Timothy Burgin is a Kripalu & Pranakriya trained yoga instructor living and teaching in Asheville, NC. Timothy has studied and taught many styles of yoga and has completed a 500-hour Advanced Pranakriya Yoga training. Timothy has been serving as the Executive Director of since 2000. He has authored two yoga books and has written over 500 articles on the practice and philosophy of yoga. Timothy is also the creator of Japa Mala Beads and has been designing and importing mala beads since 2004.
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