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Are Yoga Studios Liable If Students Get Hurt?

Published on January 25, 2021

More than ever, people are flocking to yoga to get fit, relieve stress, and improve their health. Despite the peaceful and gentle nature of yoga, injuries do occur. The most common injuries are sprains, strains, and muscle and back injuries. If a teacher is not able to keep a yoga student from getting hurt while participating in class, can the student seek compensation from the teacher? Are studios may be liable for injuries that occur on their premises?

How Did The Injury Occur?

Any experienced teacher will tell you that their responsibilities are limited when it comes to protecting their students. It is mostly limited to providing a safe and healthy environment as well as managing the inherent risks of physical exercise. Legally, yoga studios are liable if members get hurt while attending classes or on their property. Studio owners are aware of this, and, therefore, take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from lawsuits.

Basically, any liability or fault will depend on how and where the accident or injury occurred. If you have been hurt in a yoga studio accident, talking to an experienced personal injury lawyer should be among the first things you do. They will interpret the existing laws to you and determine whether you have a personal injury case or not. If you have a case, your attorney can represent your rights in or out of court to get you compensated by the studio or their insurance provider.

Precautions Taken By Instructors and Studios

Just because someone is a yoga instructor doesn’t mean the person has the training or the knowledge to prevent accidents and injuries from happening in class. Instructors can be liable if they fail to keep their students safe.

Studios have some degree of responsibility in keeping their trainees safe. For instance, they should ensure that every new student is informed of the benefits and dangers of practicing yoga. They also have to ensure a clean, well maintained, and hazard-free environment at all times. Nonetheless, situations that allow injuries may pop up from time to time, and the injured person may have proof of negligence against the trainer.

To reduce the probability of having to compensate for injuries acquired in their studios, yoga instructors can take several measures, including the following:

1. Obtaining Insurance

Injury lawsuits won’t send you a notice when they are about to happen. Yoga teachers and trainers have this concept in mind. They know they need to be ready for the inevitable. Insurance helps make sure that each member is covered and the owner of the studio is cushioned from the loss of having to pay up a compensation demanded in a court of law. Yoga teachers should obtain comprehensive professional liability insurance to be on the safe side of the law. As each member signs up, they are required to read through the insurance to make sure they are well covered. It is up to both the teacher and the student to make sure they are safe and free from injuries to avoid the tussle of following up and having to pay up compensation.

2. Asking About Injuries

Most people will sign up for yoga maybe to strengthen a pre-existing injury or hasten recovery. As a trainer and teacher, you need to understand your students’ needs and pre-existing conditions they might have. A keener yoga teacher will require their students to come with medical reports to ensure any complications that might become a problem. After learning about the injuries, they then advise them on the right way to approach yoga to be safe. For example, a student with a recent knee injury should not be instructed to do a pose that requires an extreme amount of knee movement or pressure.

3. Understand Your Student’s Capabilities and Limitations

People have different abilities and learning paces. As a teacher, you need to be mindful of these at all times. You need to take time and understand what a certain student is good at and what limitations they have. When you tend to push them far beyond what they are capable of, you create discomfort and the experience of invasion, which eventually might lead to injuries. All yoga instructors and studios should take extra precautions when teaching yoga for a beginner.

Take the student through the session at their pace and comfort. Failure to do this is a violation of the professional standard of care, which will be termed as professional malpractice or negligence and can easily result in lawsuits that will end up with paying large compensation amounts. Yoga teachers and studio owners are legally, professionally, and ethically obligated to take due care of their students in their teaching and adjustments.

4. Mindful Communication

Most of the malpractice filings are due to miscommunication between the client and the yoga teacher or instructor. They mainly result from the frustration and anger of a client who finds his instructor inadequate in communication. A yoga class requires a certain level of connection between the client and the teacher if the physical and psychological training is going to be a success. Physical training is what often leads to injuries. Yoga requires a certain level of vigilance by the teacher in explaining every session the class is about.

There is a need for physical contact to ensure that each move is executed in the right way. A teacher should ensure that his verbal and non-verbal communication with their clients is top-notch to avoid injuries. The student’s receptivity to the instructions is very crucial in preventing some of these injuries. Most studios require all students to sign liability waivers as a method to communicate the risks of taking classes.

Yoga practice is good for the mind, body, and soul. However, some of the exercises are potentially dangerous to some people and might attract a lawsuit for the studio owners if extreme caution is not taken. That is why every instructor or studio needs to put in mind the above tips to make sure they are on the safe side.

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About the author
Laura Powell was introduced to yoga at the PranaVida Yoga Studio in Orlando, FL, in 2001 and has been studying yoga ever since. She began her study with Ravi Singh and, after trying many teachers and styles in the yoga cornucopia that is New York City, gravitated to the classes of Sharon Gannon and David Life of Jivamukti whom she considers to be her primary influences. Inspired by her students and yoga masters B.K.S. Iyengar, T.K.V. Desikachar, Gary Kraftsow, Godfrey Devereaux, and Donna Farhi, she emphasizes safety and proper alignment, building awareness of the body so that time, effort and the breath can bring about the many potential benefits of yoga. Laura is committed to her self-study and daily yoga practice, along with attending regular workshops with Kofi Busia and other senior teachers.
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