Balancing Yoga Poses

What are yoga balancing poses?

A balancing asana is a pose in where you balance on one leg, or balance using your arms. These poses help to strengthen your hamstrings, calves, quads, glutes, and abs. Balance training is an obvious but often overlooked tool to help avoid falls and injuries. In addition to strengthening the core and building stability, balancing poses also help us to become aware of our breath, enhance our focus and deepen our connection to ourselves.

The best way to practice balancing poses is by starting with a strong foundation. Approach each balance pose from the ground up—begin by aligning and engaging your feet, then legs, hips,torso, arms and head. Start with the basic standing poses like tree pose, high lunge, balancing bound angle and tiptoe pose. Once you have mastered these poses, then try the more advanced balancing poses.

When learning a balancing pose, make sure that you practice on a firm surface so that you have a solid footing when attempting to balance yourself. If your yoga mat is too thick, then you may want to step off it onto the floor to practice these poses.

Balancing poses are challenging, but with practice they become easier. The key is consistency, focus and patience.

What are the benefits of balancing poses?

  • Strengthens the muscles of the legs and core
  • Increases bone density
  • Improves posture
  • Increases mindfulness, mental focus, and body awareness
  • Invigorates and energizes the mind
  • Builds confidence, grit, and determination
  • Strengthens joint stability, especially in the knees and ankle
  • Promotes good sense of humour and humility
  • Improves neuromuscular coordination
  • Boosts agility and reaction time

Tips for safe yoga balancing poses

  • Keep your eyes open and lock your gaze on a drishti focal point.
  • Move slowly, gracefully and mindfully into the pose.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and remove any objects that may injure you if you lose balance.
  • Use a wall, chair or other props to support you.
  • Don’t rush into the full expression of the asana or overdo it.
  • Move in and out of the pose with grace and compassion.

List of yoga balance poses

Explore our index of balancing yoga poses below for step-by-step instructions, pose benefits, modifications, and Sanskrit pronunciation for these asana names.

  • Balancing Bound Angle Pose • dandayamna baddha konasana

    Balancing Bound Angle

    dandayamna baddha konasana

  • Balancing Table Pose • dandayamna bharmanasana

    Balancing Table

    dandayamna bharmanasana

  • Crane yoga pose



  • Dancer Yoga Pose • natarajasana



  • Eagle yoga pose • Garudasana



  • Extended Hand to Toe / utthita hasta padangusthasana

    Extended Hand to Toe

    Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

  • Flowering Lotus / Vikasitakamalasana

    Flowering Lotus


  • Half Moon • ardha chandrasana

    Half Moon

    Ardha Chandrasana

  • Half-bound Lotus Forward Fold / Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

    Half-bound Lotus Forward Fold

    Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

  • High Lunge • utthita ashwa sanchalanasana

    High Lunge

    Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana

  • One Handed Tiger Pose • eka hasta vyaghrasana

    One Handed Tiger

    Eka Hasta Vyaghrasana

  • Revolved Half Moon

    Revolved Half Moon

    Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana

  • Side plank pose • vasisthasana

    Side Plank


  • Standing Hand to Toe / Hasta Padangusthasana

    Standing Hand to Toe

    Hasta Padangusthasana

  • Standing head to knee pose / Dandayamana Janu Sirsasana

    Standing Head to Knee

    Dandayamana Janu Sirsasana

Yoga Basics