
Published on
November 28, 2007

Use this shoulder warm-up sequence by itself or in combination with our other Warm-up sequences to energize and warm up the body’s muscles and joints prior to any of the pose sequences.
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Use gentle fluid movements synchronized with slow deep breathing. For a deeper effect, hold each stretch for 1-2 breaths. This sequence is contraindicated with recent or chronic injury to the arms, neck or back.

1. Start in Easy Pose or Accomplished Pose.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

2. Inhale the arms up, interlace the fingers and press the palms to the ceiling.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the palms.

3. Exhale arch over to the left side.

yoga poseKeep the hips grounded to the floor as you press out through the palms and the right side ribs. Keep the chin off the chest.

4. Inhale the palms to the ceiling.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the palms.

5. Exhale arch over to the right side.

yoga poseKeep the hips grounded to the floor as you press out through the palms and the left side ribs. Keep the chin off the chest.

6. Inhale the palms to the ceiling.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the palms.

7. Exhale and press the hands forward, rounding the spine.

yoga poseDrop the chin towards the chest , round the spine and press through the palms.

8. Inhale the palms to the ceiling.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the palms.

9. Exhale and bend the right elbow behind the head.

yoga poseBring the right elbow behind the head and gently pull the left elbow towards the floor. Lift the chin and press the head against the arm.

10. Inhale the palms to the ceiling.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the palms.

11. Exhale and bend the left elbow behind the head.

yoga poseBring the left elbow behind the head and gently pull the right elbow towards the floor. Lift the chin and press the head against the arm.

12. Inhale the palms to the ceiling.

yoga poseKeep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the palms.

13. Exhale the hands down.

yoga poseBring the spine back to neutral position. Keep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

14. Roll the shoulders up, down and back.

yoga poseMaking slow big circles, roll the shoulders up, down and back for 2-3 breaths. Then reverse direction of the circles for 2-3 breaths.

15. Exhale the hands to the knees or floor.

yoga poseBring the spine back to neutral position. Keep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

16. Either repeat this warm up sequence, continue with another warm up sequence, or begin a posture sequence

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5 responses to “Shoulders”

  1. natalie_k Avatar

    Even logged in as a premium member I am unable to access the mp3 download.

  2. Sury Nama Avatar
    Sury Nama

    This combines alot and is economicol and efficient for time management.

  3. Buddha Avatar

    9. That’s the left elbow! Etc. These pictures are not congruent with the texts.
    So much pain in the world. Even here! Ha!

  4. mark deguia Avatar
    mark deguia

    none of these images are loading for me.

    1. Timothy Burgin Avatar
      Timothy Burgin

      Hi Mark, thanks for letting us know about this. We have fixed the issue.

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Timothy Burgin Avatar
About the author
Timothy Burgin is a Kripalu & Pranakriya trained yoga instructor living and teaching in Asheville, NC. Timothy has studied and taught many styles of yoga and has completed a 500-hour Advanced Pranakriya Yoga training. Timothy has been serving as the Executive Director of since 2000. He has authored two yoga books and has written over 500 articles on the practice and philosophy of yoga. Timothy is also the creator of Japa Mala Beads and has been designing and importing mala beads since 2004.
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