Forward Bending Poses

What are forward bending yoga poses?

Forward folds are a type of yoga posture that brings the front of the upper torso closer to the lower body. These postures can be performed in standing, supine or sitting positions. Forward bending poses are considered  calming, soothing and introspective. Forward folds are very helpful in stretching out tight muscles and releasing tension in the entire backside of the body.

If you’re new to forward bends, start with the Standing Forward Bend and Seated Forward Bend, as these are the most basic asanas that will give you an idea of how forward bends work. These are also the two most common forward bends that you will encounter in a yoga class.

Forward bends are not about how far you can go, but how deeply you can release and let go. Honor the body where it is at and let it unfold at its own rate. If you feel you’re struggling, stop and breathe. Let the body tell you when it’s time to move on.

What are the benefits of forward bending poses?

  • Relieves stress and anxiety.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Helps stretch the spine and release tension from the back, shoulders and neck.
  • Increases blood flow throughout the body.
  • Tones and stimulates the internal organs to improve digestion and boost metabolism.
  • Helps relieve common complaints during menstruation.
  • Improves flexibility in the legs and back.

Tips for safe forward bending poses

  • When learning a forward bend yoga pose, it is important to practice slowly and correctly.
  • Avoid pushing and pulling yourself deeper into the stretch—relax and soften into the pose instead.
  • If you feel any discomfort while rounding your back a forward fold pose, try holding the asana with a flat back and long spine.
  • Do not force yourself into a deep forward fold if you do not feel comfortable doing so.
  • If you have tight hamstrings, then try forward bends with your knees bent.
  • If your hands don’t reach the floor easily in standing forward bends, use a set of blocks for support and to help you lengthen the spinal column.
  • In seated poses, you can also use blocks or blankets under your hips to help you avoid rounding your lower back, sit up straight and keep your hips level as you fold. You can also use a strap to help reach your feet in these poses.
  • Soften or close your eyes to encourage pratyahara and inner focus.

List of yoga forward bending poses

Explore our index of yoga poses below for step-by-step instructions, pose benefits, modifications, and Sanskrit pronunciation for these asana names.

  • Standing Splits • urdhva prasarita eka padasana

    Standing Splits

    Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

  • Standing Yoga Seal / dandayamana yoga mudrasana

    Standing Yoga Seal

    Dandayamana Mudrasana

  • kurmasana • tortoise pose



  • Upward Forward Fold / urdhva Uttanasana

    Upward Forward Fold

    Urdhva Uttanasana

  • Warrior Seal • Virabhadra Mudra

    Warrior Seal

    Virabhadra Mudra

  • Wide-Legged Forward Bend / Prasarita Padottanasana

    Wide-Legged Forward Bend

    Prasarita Padottanasana

Yoga Basics