Whole Body

Published on
November 28, 2007

Use this whole body warm-up sequence by itself or in combination with our other Warm-up sequences to energize and warm up the body’s muscles and joints prior to any of the pose sequences.
∗ MP3 Audio Downloads available for this Sequence

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Use gentle fluid movements synchronized with slow deep breathing. For a deeper effect, hold each stretch for 1-2 breaths. This sequence is contraindicated with recent or chronic injury to the arms, neck or back.

Whole Body

1. Start in Easy Pose or Accomplished Pose.

Keep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

mountain tadasana

2. Inhale the fingertips up to the ceiling.

Keep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the fingertips.


Whole Body

3. Exhale and round forward with the palms to the floor.

Round the spine and relax the head and elbows down.


mountain tadasana

4. Inhale the fingertips up to the ceiling.

Keep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the fingertips.


Half lord of the fishes (Version A) / Ardha matsyendrasana A

5. Exhale and twist to the left.

Place the left hand on the right knee and the right hand behind your back. Look over your right shoulder and look behind you. Keep the spine long and the shoulders down.


mountain tadasana

6. Inhale the fingertips up to the ceiling.

Keep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the fingertips.


Half lord of the fishes (Version A) / Ardha matsyendrasana A

7. Exhale and twist to the right.

Place the right hand on the left knee and the left hand behind your back. Look over your left shoulder and look behind you. Keep the spine long and the shoulders down.

8. Inhale the fingertips up to the ceiling.

yoga pose

Keep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the fingertips.

9. Exhale the left hand to the floor and arch to the left.

yoga pose

Reach out through the right fingers and lower the left elbow as close to the floor as comfortable. Keep the chin off the chest and the right arm over the right ear.

10. Inhale the fingertips up to the ceiling.

yoga pose

Keep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the fingertips.

11. Exhale the right hand to the floor and arch to the right.

yoga pose

Reach out through the left fingers and lower the right elbow as close to the floor as comfortable. Keep the chin off the chest and the right arm over the left ear.

12. Inhale the fingertips up to the ceiling.

yoga pose

Keep the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through the fingertips.

13. Exhale the hands forward and round the spine.

yoga pose

Reach out through the fingertips, drop the head down and round the spine.

14. Inhale the arms behind you.

yoga pose

Reach back through the fingertips to draw the shoulder blades together. Press forward through the chest and look up towards the ceiling.

15. Exhale the hands to the knees or floor.

sukhasana • easy pose

Bring the spine back to neutral position. Keep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.

16. Either repeat this warm up sequence, continue with another warm up sequence, or begin a posture sequence




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14 responses to “Whole Body”

  1. niachick Avatar

    The third step does not seem to be correct — the words don’t match the pose flow.

  2. kumarsaurabh4u Avatar

    The step 3 is same as step 13.

  3. Timothy Avatar

    I’ve fixed the photo for step #3, thanks for letting me know of the error!

  4. Dick Avatar

    (5) is twisting to the right.
    (7) is twisting to the left.
    (9) and (11) are also reversed

    My Teacher reverses sometimes also.

    All-in-all, the sequence is well-done.

  5. deepthinani Avatar

    The photo of 15th step should be same as 1st step.

  6. Timothy Avatar

    Thanks deepthinani, it is now fixed.

  7. vishnuvineeth26 Avatar


  8. HalfMoon Avatar

    Nice warm-up

  9. royc Avatar

    Is this, The Whole Body Warm-Ups, the only sequence where an MP3 download is available? Where can I find a list of what is available?


  10. Timothy Avatar

    royc – I just fixed the layout of the sequence pages so it should be easier to find the ones with MP3 downloads. Most of them are in the warm-ups and beginning sequences sections. I will work on creating a page that lists all of them.

  11. Raven13 Avatar

    Can’t we have any video for this sequences?

  12. Qumer un Nisa Avatar
    Qumer un Nisa

    This is a very helpful site for me as a begginer. Inever had yoga classes & this realy amazing to do yoga at home easily . thanks a lot.

  13. Diana Di Beach Avatar
    Diana Di Beach

    Do you stand up between each step or remain in Easy Pose. Listening to the MP3, there doesn’t seem to be time!!

    1. Timothy Burgin Avatar
      Timothy Burgin

      You stay in Easy Pose during the whole sequence. The photos were changed incorrectly and we will fix them soon.

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Timothy Burgin Avatar
About the author
Timothy Burgin is a Kripalu & Pranakriya trained yoga instructor living and teaching in Asheville, NC. Timothy has studied and taught many styles of yoga and has completed a 500-hour Advanced Pranakriya Yoga training. Timothy has been serving as the Executive Director of YogaBasics.com since 2000. He has authored two yoga books and has written over 500 articles on the practice and philosophy of yoga. Timothy is also the creator of Japa Mala Beads and has been designing and importing mala beads since 2004.
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